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For Immediate Release June 2017

Plymouth Area Democrats welcome NH Senator Dan Feltes on June 21

Dan FeltesOn Wednesday, June 21, 2017, New Hampshire Senator Dan Feltes will be the keynote speaker at the Plymouth Area Democrats (PAD) meeting at the Plymouth Regional Senior Center. Feltes serves as a State Senator for New Hampshire Senate District 15, representing the communities of Concord, Henniker, Hopkinton, and Warner. A minority member of the Senate Finance Committee, Feltes recently co-authored a Concord Monitor Forum piece entitled, “Why we can’t afford the Senate Republican budget” with fellow State Senator Lou D’Allesandro. Feltes is guided by the fundamental belief that “to move New Hampshire forward, we cannot afford to leave anyone behind.”

Before serving in the State Senate, Feltes worked for the better part of a decade as a public interest attorney for New Hampshire Legal Assistance, representing low-to-middle income families and individuals, senior citizens, victims of domestic violence, and veterans. In addition to advocating in court, he was a community organizer and policy advocate.  For four years he led the Housing Justice Project, overseeing the staff, grants, and legal work on housing access issues, including fighting housing discrimination and stopping foreclosures by big banks. In 2013, Feltes received the NH Bar Foundation’s Robert E. Kirby award which is presented to “New Hampshire attorneys 35 or younger who exhibit exceptional skill, civility and professionalism.” Feltes has a law degree from the University of Iowa and a Master’s Degree in Public Policy from Georgetown University, focusing on economics and energy regulation.

In his first term in the State Senate, Feltes received numerous awards for his bipartisan work on critical issues facing Granite Staters. He was named an Early Learning Champion in both 2015 and 2016 by Early Learning NH for his bipartisan work on early childhood education, including full-day kindergarten. Feltes received Legislator of the Year awards in 2015 from the NH Homebuilders and in 2016 from Housing Action NH, from Ski New Hampshire, and from New Futures, with the latter awarded for his bipartisan work to combat the heroin and opioid crisis.  Also in 2016, Feltes received the first Kennedy-Clinton award from the NH Democratic Party.

Feltes and his wife Erin live in Concord, and both grew up in working class families. Their upbringing was the foundation of Feltes’ commitment to ensuring opportunity for everyone—not just the elite or well-connected few.

All are welcome to attend the PAD meeting, which will start at 5:30 pm with a potluck dinner.  Senator Feltes will speak at 6:45 following a brief business meeting. For more information, call Joyce Weston at 536-2856.


June 13, 2017

Val Scarborough

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Plymouth Area Democrats
P O Box 34
Plymouth, NH 03264

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